Effective warehouse management is crucial for meeting customer demands and controlling costs. SCM Champs Inc, with its expertise and experience in warehouse management, understands the significance of efficient pick-and-put processes. In this blog, we will explore how SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) revolutionizes pick-to-light and put-to-light methods, providing greater efficiency and accuracy.
Understanding Pick to Light and Put to Light:
a) Pick to Light:
Pick to light is a manual picking method where displays or lights guide workers to specific warehouse locations. With SCM Champs Inc’s implementation, lights guide workers to items that require picking. Workers confirm the pick by pressing a button, triggering the next pick item.
b) Put to Light:
Put to light is similar to pick to light but focuses on putting items away. Workers scan the item to be put away, and the system guides them using lights or displays to the appropriate warehouse location.
The Power of Pick-to-Light Systems:
Pick-to-light systems, with SCM Champs Inc’s expertise, offer significant advantages that enhance warehousing operations:
Various Applications:
The pick-to-light system caters to different warehouse sizes and order types, including:
Component Picking:
- Ideal for kit assembly, where components are picked according to specific orders.
Carousel Light Towers:
- Efficient access to items stored at heights.
Full Case Picking:
- Picking items from pallet flow.
1. Ease of Use:
SCM Champs Inc understands the importance of user-friendly systems. Unlike traditional methods requiring extensive training, pick-to-light systems can be quickly learned within 30-45 minutes. This accelerated learning curve improves overall efficiency and productivity.
2. System Integration:
SCM Champs Inc ensures seamless integration of pick-to-light systems with existing warehouse management, ERP, and supply chain management systems. This integration empowers efficient reporting, productivity analysis, and labor-to-order volume optimization.
3. Increased Efficiency:
Pick-to-light systems are organized by work zones, minimizing unnecessary walking. This organization optimizes efficiency, reduces idle time, and enhances order fulfillment performance. Additionally, mobile cart or conveyor-mounted pick-to-light systems reduce the need for operators, further reducing labor costs.
4. Paperless Picking:
We promote paperless operations with pick-to-light systems. By eliminating paper-based records, operators save time and increase accuracy during order picking. The result is a more productive and efficient warehouse environment.
5. Improved Order Accuracy:
Pick-to-light systems drastically reduce picking errors by guiding operators to the exact item location. With SCM Champs Inc’s implementation, order fulfillment is enhanced, leading to satisfied customers.
6. Lower Labor Costs
- Pick-to-light systems significantly reduce labor costs by eliminating unnecessary walking, minimizing idle time, and improving the speed and accuracy of the picking process.
- Traditional order-picking methods can be costly, considering the amount of labor required.
In conclusion, we are specializing in leveraging the power of SAP EWM (Extended Warehouse Management) to transform pick-to-light and put-to-light processes. By implementing pick-to-light systems, businesses can achieve improved efficiency, accuracy, and reduced labor costs. Hence our expertise, and warehouse operations can be streamlined, productivity enhanced, and profitability improved.